Saturday, 2 August 2014

Weekend Link Round Up to Read in a Bed Nest (02/08/2014)

I don't know about you but personally when I have a day off I like to spend as much time as possible in my bed hiding from all responsibilities and the difficult prospect of getting out of my pyjamas and into the clothes of a Real Person who can Accomplish Things. Here's how I achieve this:

STEP ONE: open laptop.

STEP TWO: remain on laptop until biological needs and/or guilt drive you out of bed.

STEP THREE: accomplish all necessary tasks as quickly as possible.

STEP FOUR: return to your bed nest with sustenance. 


Here's a small contribution of things to look at to help you put off being in the actual world for as long as possible/bask in your own glory and pyjamas for as long as you damn well like because you're fabulous.

Links of the Week:

1. Autostraddle: Top Eight TV Female Bosses Who Aren't Afraid to Get Bossy. 

Relevant to my interests in almost every single possible way,  here is a gr9 list of Hot Boss Ladies Being Competent and Hot. Featuring Bette Motherfucking Porter, Lesley Knope, Captain Janeway, and Tami Taylor. I have seen ONE of those shows. <.< I should really do something about that.

More links, tumblr posts, and tweets under the cut!

2. Hello, Tailor: Interview: "Snowpiecer" costume designer Catherine George. (MOVIE SPOILERS)

I still haven't got round to my own Snowpiercer review since seeing it at the Edinburgh Film Festival but here is an incredibly interesting interview with the costume designer! I love HelloTailor's thoughts on costuming anyway, especially because it's an area I don't know that much about myself, and as far as I know this is the only interview the costume director for Snowpiercer has given. WHICH IS A COUP AND A HALF, I THINK WE'LL ALL AGREE. Snowpiercer might fiiiinally be out of pre-release limbo soon (WE CAN ONLY HOPE) so if you think you're going to want to see it, save this interview to read afterwards! ALSO you can rent Snowpiercer on Amazon for $7, I hear, which I DEFINITELY recommend. It's not the most relaxing movie in the world though, so maybe save it until that's a thing you're ready to deal with (DON'T INTERRUPT THE SANCTITY OF THE WEEKEND BED NEST UNNECESSARILY!!!)

3. The AfterEllen Huddle: References Only a Queer Chick Knows

A few of these struck me as those terrifyingly in-clique references anyone who has ever had That Circle of Ex-Girlfriend's Friends is probably aware of (this could just be me still being scarred by one group of people and making sweeping generalizations, sorry) but THIS ONE IS SO PERFECT. Alternative plan: when holding hands with your girlfriend at night, notice another approaching femme/femme couple holding hands and give each other the ARE YOU HOLDING HANDS OR HOLDING HANDS Staredown and both couples burst into laughter as soon as you pass each other. It's really dignified (but also really great :3)

4. The New Crop of Great British Bake-Off Participants is Here!

I can't believe it is GBBO time again (THE BEST TIME OF YEAR EXCEPT CHRISTMAS AND MY BIRTHDAY LBR) and here are the new people to get to know! I am v excite to discover which ones I will irrationally take against, which ones I will be championing until the bitter end, and which ones will make an inpenetrable circle of BFFS and Partners-in-Cake. GBBO returns to BBC One on Wednesday 6th August at 8pm GMT \o/! READY YOUR BAKED GOODS NOW.

5. The London Magazine: Interview with Daniel Radcliffe.

Dan Rad continues to live up to his Rad name AS EVER. I loved his points about his feelings on Potter fans in this interview. DAN THE RADDEST. THE END. (I should really get on watching Kill Your Darlings.)

6. Books About Town Book Bench Trails.

Live in London and looking for something fun to do outside this weekend? Try the Books About Town book bench trails! Described as 50 unique book bench sculptures, designed by local artists and famous names to celebrate London's literary heritage and reading for enjoyment, these hide-and-seek book bench walks seem like a great way to spend a weekend! A friend of mine did the Bloomsbury trail and loved it (find her at @jennmorgans; she is also great.) and I am planning on going ASAP. There are maps for you to find your way to all the benches and QUIZZES to fill out with the chance of winning cool prizes OR JUST THE GLORY OF KNOWING YOU COMPLETED THE QUIZ. I am most looking forward to seeing the Sherlock Holmes, Narnia, Dickens, and Mary Poppins benches AND PROBS MORE I DON'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT YET :D HOORAY BOOK FRIENDS.

(ALSO I am so pleased to see that website promoting "reading for pleasure" as just as important as "literary heritage" because UGH a pet peeve of mine is literary elitism. Take your separate "literature" and "fiction" categories and FUCK RIGHT OFF with that.)

7. Buzzfeed: 21 Actors Offer Their TV Characters One Piece of Advice.

Rachel Bilson and Tom Mison have some ON POINT REMARKS. Also, on only a minor tangent, I should really start watching Reign.

Tumblr Posts of the Week:

INTERVIEWER: "You think you could do the show for another nine years?"

Fave panel from an ENTIRELY FAB COMIC.

2. This Fucking Nancy comic by Franzi. That dragon's face has immediately entered my every day vocab. FACIAL EXPRESSIONS ARE VOCABULARY OKAY SHUT UP I KNOW HOW TO MAKE WORDS.


3. This comic on feelings of artistic inadequacy and how to KICK THEM IN THE FACE by stuffman.

Tweets of the Week:

This Week with Meg Heymdia:

1. Vampire Academy chapter recaps: one; two; three.

2. This Tegan and Sara song I absolutely cannnot stop listening to omfg.

3. Howl's Moving Castle book review on Goodreads.


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