Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Let's Read: Vampire Academy (w/ Meg Heymdia!): Chapter 2

Chapter 2

In which Headmistress Kirova is Not a Fan of Rose, Dimitri Ponytail is SO MUCH MORE INTO ROSE THAN I SUSPECT HE REALLY WANTED TO BE AT THIS STAGE, and Rose doesn't hit ANYONE AT ALL.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Let's Read: Vampire Academy (w/ Meg Heymdia!): Chapter 1

First post of my first let's read series! Who's excited? I AM EXCITED. You may feel as you wish. (I'm gracious like that.) I picked Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead, the first book in the Vampire Academy series. 

I first heard about Vampire Academy on tumblr when the movie trailer was released. In case there are any doubts about exactly why I was instantly and irrevocably sold on it, here is that trailer:

High school vampire story by the director of Mean Girls, featuring a BUNCH of more than mildly (if potentially only platonically) in love ladies, and a TEACHER/STUDENT ROMANCE? FRIENDS, I AM SO HERE FOR THIS. I wanted to at least read the first book before seeing the film and then the film either got a v limited UK release or went straight to dvd BUT I own BOTH the first book AND the movie now so LET'S GET CRACKING.

Chapter 1

In which we meet our super not bro heroines and they immediately run into trouble. 

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Under the Crimson Moon demo (w/ heymdia!)

Big Fish Games and I have the sort of relationship where I never cancel my membership and also they keep sending me emails when I have spent all my credits to tell me that a game in a series I love has just come out and then what choice do I even have except to buy it at once ha ha ha etc. To set the scene, I graduated this week and on the day I arrived back at my flat in my university town after having been away interviewing in London, my girlfriend and I had this exchange:

ME: Ooo, my post is here! I'll just go get ready for graduation and then look.
LAL: WAIT there's a parcel! 
ME: Cool, I'll just be a second and -  
RECORD SCRATCHING SOUND EFFECT: *would have been used in a comedy at this point*

(It was a Felix the Fish toy for being a BFG member for a whole year, because I'm AWESOME.)

ANYWAY the point is after graduating I also packed up all my stuff and moved to London properly AND had three interviews in the same four day time period so as you might imagine I have spent today mostly lying around on various soft items of furniture mainlining high quality low brain engagement entertainment. It's all hotting up in s9 of Grey's Anatomy, I can tell you! (I am terribly behind, I know, but I AM STILL THE MOST INVESTED.)

But this is not about Grey's Anatomy, or how much I just want to punch Derek Shepherd in his stupid smug face. It's about how I checked my email and this had happened:

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Restaurant Story: Riverboat Quest Update (part 1)

So I started playing Restaurant Story really recently after being Into Bakery Story for.... time and just while I was deliberating about how I wanted to decorate my restaurant, the new riverboat update arrived! It's SO beautiful *_*

TeamLava's blog post about the update says it comes with a new floor tile, table, and decoration and also lists the new riverboat decoration that I assume is the end reward for all the new goals that also came with this update:

Isn't it LOVELY? I can't wait to put it in my restaurant. I'm thinking of putting it in the middle like a centrepiece maybe. But we shall see! I also really like the floor tile and wallpaper, both of which you can see in TeamLava's picture up there, and I've kept them around in my restaurant even past the goal to have certain numbers of them. A TRUE SIGN OF LOVE. As you can also see in that picture, there are new stools, a new wall decoration sign saying "fresh fish", and a new oven with a WHEEL ON IT (it is possible I am the most delighted by the oven, oh my god, it goes so well with my steampunk-adjacent restaurant theme yessss). There's also a new riverboat themed divider and a new matching counter with a little .... what are they called oh my god how have I forgotten this?? Rubber ring? LIFESAVING RUBBER RING? Anyway. ANYWAY. ONE OF THOSE. I like the counters fine but I probably won't keep all of the ones you're prompted to buy by goals. 

(My girlfriend and I differ v slightly on how we play Restaurant Story. She isn't following the new goals because the rewards aren't something she wants this time around whereas I am DOGGEDLY AND HUFFLEPUFFLY doing ALL THE GOALS from my dual Slytherpuff motivations of HAVE ALL THE THINGS and DO ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS. Sometimes when Lal wakes up in the morning and looks over to see me clutching my phone with a slightly manic air, she just gets to be like:

LAL: Still not done?

ME: *awful sibilant hissing*

LAL: I see that you are not.)

Under the jump I'm going to go into how I'm getting on with the new goals, what the new oven has to offer, and how I'm using the new items.